1. We Guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with the quality of our service or your pressure cleaning is FREE until you are happy.

If you are unhappy with our work for any reason whatsoever, we will happily redo it. Until you are fully satisfied, you don’t pay a cent.

Pressure cleaning Perth

2. We Guarantee that we are fully insured.

Pressure Cleaning Perth is 100% covered with $20,000,000 Public Liability and Workers Compensation insurances. When we are working at your premises, you can rest assured that everything and everyone is completely covered.

3. We Guarantee to make safety a priority

Pressure Cleaning Perth has adopted environmental safety procedures and full occupational health and safety procedures to ensure your safety, and that of both your employees and ours.

4. We Guarantee to respond to your call promptly.

If we are not able to take your call straight away, our goal is always to get back to you within the hour.

5. We Guarantee to be on time, every time.

We will be on time, every time, however in the unlikely event that we may be delayed we will always contact you to keep you informed.

6. We Guarantee to work around your schedule.

We understand that it does not always suit to have a cleaning company onsite during office hours. So, we offer complete flexibility to carry out your job after hours if that works best for you.

7. We Guarantee no hidden costs.

We will always provide you with a detailed, itemised, up-front quote for our services. With Pressure Cleaning Perth, there are no hidden costs. If extra work is required, a price will be agreed upon before we commence your job.

8. We Guarantee to present ourselves professionally.

We take pride in our company and will present ourselves in a professional manner. All our staff have a current Police Clearance Certificate and will always be wearing the appropriate safety gear. We also guarantee our employees will not smoke or use bad language on your premises. We will take care of your property as if it were our own. If we make a mess, we will clean it up. If we move things, we will put them back, and if we happen to accidentally break something, we will fix it or replace it.

Our state of the art equipment combines extreme high pressure with intense heat to tackle even the most difficult job with our iron clad guarantee.

Pressure Cleaning Perth